Perry Wins Libertarian Party of New Hampshire Gubernatorial Nomination

Press Release


On January 11 at the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire Annual Convention in Concord, Darryl W. Perry won the Libertarian nomination for Governor.

Perry, and other Libertarian candidates, can now begin collecting ballot access petitions. He’ll need 3,000 petitions, divided evenly between the two Congressional Districts, signed by registered voters before August 5.

Perry will be organizing volunteers to collect petitions at the First In The Nation Presidential Primary on February 11, followed a month later by town elections. Both of these days will give extremely high validity rates.

Candidate Petitions are available on his website at

The Darryl W. Perry for Governor campaign will also be running a FUN(d)Drive from January 25 (Lunar New Year) to February 11, and will award a PORC token bonus to anyone who contributes to the campaign during those 18 days.